This fight has 2 phases. During phase 1, a friendly Robot provides a buff to the raid, preventing anyone from dying if they are above 10k Health.
When the Robot is active, spread around the room to reduce the number of people being hit by Caustic Slime.
When the Robot is not active, stack everyone, use defensives abilities and healer cooldowns to keep everyone alive.
Top up everyone's health before the final phase at 21% HP, where healing is reduced by 99%.
Vielen Dank an Mèlusine - Blackhand (EU) für die deutschen Übersetzungen, ohne ihre Unterstützung wäre das nicht möglich gewesen.
While under the protection of the friendly robot, spread out in the room to minimize the number of players hit by Caustic Slime, which reduces hit chance.
Aside from the tanks, avoid healing anyone above 10% Health.
After 3 Massacres, the robot deactivates, permitting players to die but the boss stops melee attacks on tanks.
Stack up, use defensive and healer cooldown to soak and survive the Caustic Slime.
The robot reactivates after 3 Caustic Slime, at which point you can spread out again.
Chimaeron inflicts massive damage to all players, resulting in death for those not affected by Finkle's Mixture.
After 3 casts, it deactivates Bile-O-Tron, but the boss won't cast it again until the robot is back online.
This can be scary but remember to always ensure your player's health above 10k to prevent them from dying!
Throughout the entire first phase, the boss repeatedly casts this ability, dealing massive damage if not soaked, while also inflicting a 75% reduced hit chance debuff for 2.5s.
You'll need to adjust your approach based on the status of Bile-O-Tron and its cheat-death buff.
When Bile-O-Tron is active, you are protected from death, so spread out to avoid hitting other players and have multiple people debuffed.
When Bile-O-Tron isn't active, it will kill anyone alone as the damage won't be soaked. Stack up, use defensive and healer cooldown to survive!
Applies a tank debuff which increases damage taken by 25% and reduces self-healing by 15% for 1min.
Stacks up to 4 times but it doesn't matter while the tank are under the protection of Bile-O-Tron.
However, watch out for the incoming double attack, healers won't have time to heal the tank back up
After 3 Massacres, Bile-O-Tron desactivates, causing Chimaeron's heads starts fighting each other.
The boss stops melee attacks during this phase, preventing additionnal damage on the tanks.
Heal through the Caustic Slime while waiting for the Robot's reactivation. This ability lasts for 30s, or 3 casts of Caustic Slime.
Chimaeron strikes twice on his next attack.
Ensure to taunt to take aggro from the debuffed tank, then taunt back immediately so at least one tank remains free of debuffs.
Throughout the entire first phase, the boss repeatedly casts this ability, dealing massive damage if not soaked, while also inflicting a 75% reduced hit chance debuff for 2.5s.
You'll need to adjust your approach based on the status of Bile-O-Tron and its cheat-death buff.
When Bile-O-Tron is active, you are protected from death, so spread out to avoid hitting other players and have multiple people debuffed.
When Bile-O-Tron isn't active, it will kill anyone alone as the damage won't be soaked. Stack up, use defensive and healer cooldown to survive!
After 3 Massacres, Bile-O-Tron desactivates, causing Chimaeron's heads starts fighting each other.
The boss stops melee attacks during this phase, preventing additionnal damage on the tanks.
Heal through the Caustic Slime while waiting for the Robot's reactivation. This ability lasts for 30s, or 3 casts of Caustic Slime.
Applies a tank debuff which increases damage taken by 25% and reduces self-healing by 15% for 1min.
Stacks up to 4 times but it doesn't matter while the tank are under the protection of Bile-O-Tron.
However, watch out for the incoming double attack, healers won't have time to heal the tank back up
Chimaeron strikes twice on his next attack.
Ensure to taunt to take aggro from the debuffed tank, then taunt back immediately so at least one tank remains free of debuffs.
The phase starts at 21% HP. Heal up all players right before it.
Chimaeron takes 10% increased damage but all healing is reduced by 99%.
Defeat the boss before he defeats you!
Chimaeron goes into a rage, rendering him immune to Taunt effects.
In addition, he reduces healing effects done to players by 99%.