This fight has only 1 phase.
Similarly to Gunship Battle, it's more an event than a regular boss fight.
You fight waves of adds while trying to heal Valithria Dreamwalker.
Vielen Dank an Mèlusine - Blackhand (EU) für die deutschen Übersetzungen, ohne ihre Unterstützung wäre das nicht möglich gewesen.
The goal of the encounter is to heal the boss to full health.
Valithria summons portals to the Emerald Dream in where clouds are floating.
Collect them to get a healing buff.
Valithria summons 3 portals to the Emerald Dream (8 in 25man). While inside, players can fly.
Clouds are floating in the air and offers a 10% damage and healing stacking buff together with mana regeneration.
Every 10s or so a wave of adds spawn from the doors around the room.
There are 5 types of adds. Only one type requires a tank to have threat on.
We sorted the adds below by kill priority.
This is the reason why this add is the #1 priority target. It deals damage to the entire raid and Valithria.
This cannot be interrupted or canceled.
Deals damage to all players within 60 yards and reduce movement speed.
This should be interrupted.
Summons a Mana Void area, draining 1250 mana every seconds to player in there. It lasts for 30s.
Move out of the area.
This add has to be tanked. He casts a frontal cone every so often inflicting a DoT and a 25% increase physical damage taken debuff for 12s.
The add inflicts a stackable 10% armor reduction DoT on melee hit.
Tanks should have aggro on them but it's preferable to kite them rather than face tanking.
This is the reason why this add is the #1 priority target. It deals damage to the entire raid and Valithria.
This cannot be interrupted or canceled.
Deals damage to all players within 60 yards and reduce movement speed.
This should be interrupted.
Summons a Mana Void area, draining 1250 mana every seconds to player in there. It lasts for 30s.
Move out of the area.
The add inflicts a stackable 10% armor reduction DoT on melee hit.
Tanks should have aggro on them but it's preferable to kite them rather than face tanking.
This add has to be tanked. He casts a frontal cone every so often inflicting a DoT and a 25% increase physical damage taken debuff for 12s.