This fight has only one phase.
It's a kind of PvP fight.
The mobs take 75% less damage from AoE. The default strategy is to work with kill priorities.
In 10 men raid, you fight 6 randomly picked champions (with 2 healers) while in 25 men raid you'll fight 10 (with 3 healers).
You shouldn't need to know all the Champions abilities so we only list here the most important ones.
Vielen Dank an Mèlusine - Blackhand (EU) für die deutschen Übersetzungen, ohne ihre Unterstützung wäre das nicht möglich gewesen.
You should always kill the healers first. While you focus a healer, the others must be CC'ed and interrupted too.
We recommend this kill order:
Restoration Shaman > Restoration Druid > Disc Priest = Holy Paladin
The Holy Paladin uses Divine Shield and cancels your burst window. The Restoration Druid can be banish thus giving you time to deal with it later.
Main healing ability of the Shaman. Interrupt or CC as much as you can.
The Shaman hexes a player. Interrupt the cast or decurse the targeted player.
The Shaman uses Bloodlust to buff all his party, increasing melee, raged, spell casting speed by 30%. This makes it the prio target.
Try to kill him before it can use it.
Main healing ability of the Druid. Interrupt or CC as much as you can.
The Druid also randomly applies Rejuvenation on its allies.
Main healing ability of the Paladin. Interrupt or CC as much as you can.
The Paladin also casts a less powerful heal but faster.
Stuns a random player for 6s. Watch out if it targets a healer or a player assigned to CC.
Main healing ability of the Shaman. Interrupt or CC as much as you can.
The Shaman hexes a player. Interrupt the cast or decurse the targeted player.
The Shaman uses Bloodlust to buff all his party, increasing melee, raged, spell casting speed by 30%. This makes it the prio target.
Try to kill him before it can use it.
Main healing ability of the Druid. Interrupt or CC as much as you can.
The Druid also randomly applies Rejuvenation on its allies.
Main healing ability of the Priest. Interrupt or CC as much as you can.
Main healing ability of the Paladin. Interrupt or CC as much as you can.
The Paladin also casts a less powerful heal but faster.
Stuns a random player for 6s. Watch out if it targets a healer or a player assigned to CC.
We think most of the melees are more annoying than the range. They become the priority after the healers.
We recommend this kill order:
Enhancement >Rogue > Hunter = Warrior > Ret = DK
If you have a DK or a Rogue, they can try to bring to the side one of the melee champions and keep them busy and CC'ed to limit their annoyance.
The Shaman is annoying with his totems, it's a good priority target to take down first.
He uses Healing Stream Totem, Windfury, Tremor and Searing Totem.
Damage and interrupts the target for that magical school for 2s.
The Enhancement Shaman he has acces to Bloodlust.
Silences a nearby player for 5s.
In addition to high damage output, the DK has a lot of CC. He can grab players, he can silence and also slow them.
This is a good Champion to isolate far from your raid or deal with quickly.
CC on a random player. Taking damage removes the effect.
Since the rogue hits hard and uses this ability, it makes him a good prio target.
Immune an ally from all physical damage for 10s. This is purgeable by some classes.
Major offensive cooldown increasing all damage and healing by 20%. Be careful if you are targeted while the wings are on !
Same as the Holy Paladin, the Retribution stuns players and immunes himself when it's low HP.
The Shaman is annoying with his totems, it's a good priority target to take down first.
He uses Healing Stream Totem, Windfury, Tremor and Searing Totem.
Damage and interrupts the target for that magical school for 2s.
The Enhancement Shaman he has acces to Bloodlust.
CC on a random player. Taking damage removes the effect.
Since the rogue hits hard and uses this ability, it makes him a good prio target.
Silences a nearby player for 5s.
In addition to high damage output, the DK has a lot of CC. He can grab players, he can silence and also slow them.
This is a good Champion to isolate far from your raid or deal with quickly.
Immune an ally from all physical damage for 10s. This is purgeable by some classes.
Major offensive cooldown increasing all damage and healing by 20%. Be careful if you are targeted while the wings are on !
Same as the Holy Paladin, the Retribution stuns players and immunes himself when it's low HP.
Range champions should arguably be dealt with last. We recommend this kill order:
Mage = Shadow Priest > Boomkin = Warlock
You can assign 1 or 2 casters of your raid composition to interrupt the most annoying range Champions of the encounter.
Sheeps the target for 10s. Interrupt the cast, dispel the effect, or just laugh at your friend's new majestic form. It's up to you !
Defensive reducing the damage taken by 75% for 6s. Swap target when this occurs.
Silence on a random nearby player. Stay away from him if you don't want to be targeted.
Sheeps the target for 10s. Interrupt the cast, dispel the effect, or just laugh at your friend's new majestic form. It's up to you !
Defensive reducing the damage taken by 75% for 6s. Swap target when this occurs.
Silence on a random nearby player. Stay away from him if you don't want to be targeted.