This fight has only one phase and is a high AoE oriented fight.
The boss is surrounded by 5 drakes. In normal, 3 of these will be active per week, buffing the boss.
The active drakes determine the abilities and buffs of both the boss and his proto-behemoth.
The boss has a huge amount of health, but he takes stacking increased damage once each drake is defeated.
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The boss doesn't cast any abilities on his own above 50% health. Most of the fight involves managing the adds.
You can choose to release all the drakes at the pull, or keep some imprisoned until you've dealt with the others.
Releasing more drakes at the beginning of the encounter weakens the boss directly but makes the fight harder for the off-tank.
The Proto-Drake casts a wave of fire across the entire platform, dealing massive raid damage.
This ability is granted by the Emerald Whelps.
Releasing them will debuff the Proto-Drake, drastically reducing his damage.
The Proto-Drake channels and unleashes fireballs at random players, dealing massive damage within 4yrds of the impact.
This ability is granted by the Time Warden.
Releasing him will debuff the Proto-Drake, slowing his casting speed and the travel speed of the fireballs, making them easier to dodge.
The boss gains the ability to cast Shadow Nova, dealing massive damage to the raid and knocking all players back.
This ability is granted by the Storm Rider. Releasing him will debuff the boss, decreasing his cast speed.
Shadow Nova must be interrupted. The cast time is 0.25s when the boss is not debuffed and 1.25s when he is debuffed.
The boss gains the ability to debuff his target, reducing healing received and stacking up to 100% for 30s.
This ability is granted by the Slate Dragon. Releasing him will paralyze the boss for 12s every 35s, while increasing his damage taken by 100%.
The Slate Dragon is usually released last, as his debuff is the least impactful.
The boss gains a 120% attack speed buff, causing him to deal significant damage.
This is granted by the Nether Scion.
Releasing him will debuff the boss, reducing his hit chance, attack speed, and physical damage by 25%.
The boss gains the ability to cast Shadow Nova, dealing massive damage to the raid and knocking all players back.
This ability is granted by the Storm Rider. Releasing him will debuff the boss, decreasing his cast speed.
Shadow Nova must be interrupted. The cast time is 0.25s when the boss is not debuffed and 1.25s when he is debuffed.
The boss gains a 120% attack speed buff, causing him to deal significant damage.
This is granted by the Nether Scion.
Releasing him will debuff the boss, reducing his hit chance, attack speed, and physical damage by 25%.
The boss gains the ability to debuff his target, reducing healing received and stacking up to 100% for 30s.
This ability is granted by the Slate Dragon. Releasing him will paralyze the boss for 12s every 35s, while increasing his damage taken by 100%.
The Slate Dragon is usually released last, as his debuff is the least impactful.