This fight starts by parachuting down to the Spine of Deathwing. You will then have to clear through 3 of his armor plates to complete the fight.
Throughout the fight, Deathwing will attempt to throw players from his back when he senses a majority are standing on the same side.
During a roll, players and mobs not attached to his back will be thrown off.
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You fight on Deathwing's back. You need to clear his armor plate by managing adds and killing them at the right time.
A very unique mechanic is the "roll", when all the players are on the same side he throws off everyone who isn't attached, players or adds.
Use this to remove unecessary Hideous Amalgation.
This is the main mechanic of the fight.
Corrupted Blood on death leaves corrupted blood on the ground, it gives a stacking buff increasing the Hideous Amalgation damage when it walks on it.
At 9 stacks the Hideous Amalgation gains Superheated Nucleus dealing damage to all players.
If a Hideous Amalgamation has Superheated Nucleus when it dies, it casts Nuclear Blast.
This deals a large amount of damage within 5 yards, and if it dies close to one of Deathwing's armor plates, it exposes a burning tendon, allowing the raid to attack it for 23 seconds while it casts Seal Armor Breach.
Tendrils (Corruption) sprout from Deathwings back, when they are killed,
Hideous Amalgamations and Corrupted Blood spawns from the holes left behind. There will always be at least one Corruption alive.
Staying on the fire deals damage but prevents players from being thrown off.
After a Nuclear Blast exposes a Burning Tendon, it starts casting Seal Armor Breach, which is an attempt to reattach the armor plate to Deathwing. While this is being cast, the raid can DPS down the tendon.
Kill the Hideous Amalgamation close to the same tendon to have multiple attempts at killing it. You need to kill a total of 3 Burning Tendons to end the fight.
A dispellable debuff that gives stacks of Blood of Neltharion which is a stacking debuff that reduces all damage taken by 20% per stack, up to 2 stacks.
This is extremely helpful on tanks, but will affect most of the raid by the end.
This can be dispelled, and can turn back into Blood Corruption: Earth if dispelled too many times.
A 15 second duration debuff that can be dispelled. If it is not dispelled before it expires, it wipes the raid.
When it's dispelled, it jumps to a new player, and can mutate into Blood Corruption: Earth.
When a corrupted blood is killed it leaves blood which slowly creeps toward the nearest hole and reconstitute if it reaches it.
Hideous Amalgation absorbs this blood to gain buff.
After a Nuclear Blast exposes a Burning Tendon, it starts casting Seal Armor Breach, which is an attempt to reattach the armor plate to Deathwing. While this is being cast, the raid can DPS down the tendon.
Kill the Hideous Amalgamation close to the same tendon to have multiple attempts at killing it. You need to kill a total of 3 Burning Tendons to end the fight.
A 15 second duration debuff that can be dispelled. If it is not dispelled before it expires, it wipes the raid.
When it's dispelled, it jumps to a new player, and can mutate into Blood Corruption: Earth.
A dispellable debuff that gives stacks of Blood of Neltharion which is a stacking debuff that reduces all damage taken by 20% per stack, up to 2 stacks.
This is extremely helpful on tanks, but will affect most of the raid by the end.
This can be dispelled, and can turn back into Blood Corruption: Earth if dispelled too many times.
When a corrupted blood is killed it leaves blood which slowly creeps toward the nearest hole and reconstitute if it reaches it.
Hideous Amalgation absorbs this blood to gain buff.