This fight only has one phase. It's more an event than a real boss fight.
A NPC offers you a jetpack before the fight, it allows you to fly to the enemy's ship.
You have to destroy the enemy's ship by using the gunship cannons, once it's done loots are yours.
Велика подяка гравцям української гільдії Tauren Milfs та локалізатору kasatushi за працю над перекладами.
The fight's core mechanic is using gunship cannons to destroy the enemy ship.
The enemy ship will send waves of adds unto your ship and a Sorcerer / Battle-Mage will freeze your cannons.
Use your jetpack to reach him and kill it to free your cannons.
Gunship Cannons uses Heat as a resource. Upon reaching 100 heat, the cannon becomes overheated and inactive for 3s.
Canons have 2 abilities:
Cannon Blast - a builderthat deals damage and increasing Heat by 6-10.
Incinerating Blast - a spender that consumes all the Heat and deal damage proportional to the heat consumed. The more heat, the higher the damage.
A Sorcerer / Battle-Mage will spawn on the enemy's ship. They channel an uninterruptable cast to freeze your cannons.
Use your jetpack to reach them and kill them as fast as possible to release your cannons from the ice. Make sure your tanks jump first!
On the enemy's ship, the commander (Muradin or Saurfang) awaits you. They just need to be tanked, don't bother trying to kill them.
Enemy soldiers gain experience when they stay alive, increasing their attack, cast speed and damage.
After 20s, they gain Experienced
After 40s, they gain Veteran
After 60s, they gain Elite
They also gain an armor and attack speed buff when hitting 20% HP.
Make sure to clear them when you jump on the enemy's ship.
While your are on the enemy's ship, Muradin / Saurfang gains a stacking buff on each melee hit. The buff increases their damage by 10% (12% in heroic).
Kill the enemy Sorcerer / Battle-Mage quickly to return to your ship and keep them from stacking.
Muradin / Saurfang cleave up to 3 targets in front of themselves. Don't stand near them, especially not in front.
Enemy soldiers gain experience when they stay alive, increasing their attack, cast speed and damage.
After 20s, they gain Experienced
After 40s, they gain Veteran
After 60s, they gain Elite
They also gain an armor and attack speed buff when hitting 20% HP.
Make sure to clear them when you jump on the enemy's ship.
While your are on the enemy's ship, Muradin / Saurfang gains a stacking buff on each melee hit. The buff increases their damage by 10% (12% in heroic).
Kill the enemy Sorcerer / Battle-Mage quickly to return to your ship and keep them from stacking.
Muradin / Saurfang cleave up to 3 targets in front of themselves. Don't stand near them, especially not in front.