Бой с двумя основными фазами и короткой переходной
Граб и Зи имеют свои наборы механик. Вы будете переключаться между ними.
Активный босс определяется тем, на какой половине комнаты находятся игроки.
Механики не каждой из сторон взаимодействуют друг с другом.
Во время Фазы 2 все механики активны одновременно.
В игроков с ледяными сапогами также целятся ледяные копья. Чтобы не умереть, нужно спрятаться за каменными станами или минами.
Игрок, взрывающий бомбу, получает уязвимость.
Круг, урон от которого нужно делить, вешает уязвимость. Нужно две группы иггроков.
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Комната разделена на 2 половины.
Граб и Зи имеют собственные наборы способностей. Главный босс определяется тем, на какой стороне находятся игроки.
Каждый раз, когда главный босс меняется, стакается дебаф, но энергия Граб'Зи обнуляется.
Если босс набирает 100% энергии, он вайпает рейд.
When players stand on the right side of the room, Mug is the leading boss.
Mug channels raid-wide damage for 6s.
He applies a stacking debuff dealing damage over time, with the stacks correlating to the number of times the boss has been swapped to this side.
When players stand on the left side of the room, Zee is the leading boss.
Zee channels raid-wide damage for 6s.
He applies a stacking debuff dealing damage over time, with the of stacks correlating to the number of times the boss has been swapped to this side.
One boss and their respective mechanics are active at a time based on where the majority of players are in the room.
Swapping sides removes 10 stacks of damage amp.
Swapping also resets Mug'Zee's energy to 0.
One boss and their respective mechanics are active at a time based on where the majority of players are in the room.
Swapping sides removes 10 stacks of damage amp.
Swapping also resets Mug'Zee's energy to 0.
Mug or Zee gains 1% stacking damage amp every 5s.
10 stacks are removed when swapping sides.
Mug marks players with a circle, rock walls are created around him, and an add is summoned.
Interrupt and kill the add, and don't tank Mug'Zee inside the walls or the add will enrage.
Two players are marked with circles. After a few seconds, rock walls grow around the marked players, trapping them and anyone nearby inside.
Circles also deal some damage, split among those hit. A Goon add spawns inside each rock jail.
If the rock jails trap Mug'Zee inside, or if they overlap each other, the Goons will enrage.
Goons will also enrage if everyone escapes their rock jail before killing them.
When a Goon is killed, the rock jail walls are destroyed and players are knocked back, taking damage.
Circles leave behind a rock puddle which deals damage to anyone inside.
Several players get icy feet, causing them to pulse damage around them and slide when they walk for a short time.
Icy spears are aimed at players with icy feet. Their path is indicated by arrows. The spear deals lethal damage if it hits a player. You can't immune it.
The spear can collide with rock jail walls or crawler mines. Use these to block the spear and destroy the wall / mine.
Mug'Zee targets a player with a large electric frontal cone, channeling huge damage into them and anyone else hit.
During and after the finger gun, the boss makes some electric zap circles which deal damage and stun.
Tankbuster in a frontal cone shape. Gives the Golden Drip debuff to anyone hit.
The debuff causes the affected player to drop yellow puddles under their feet as they walk which removes an application of the debuff.
Puddles deal damage and slow. If the debuff isn't removed within 14s, the player is stunned for 30s.
Зи призывает мины, которые преследуют игроков. Мины невосприимчивы к урону.
Когда бомба взрывается, она создаёт зоны, которые нужно перекрыть.
Зи помогают 2 типа аддов.
Электрошокер II запускает молнию которая перепрыгивает на 3 игроков, нанося больше урона с каждым прыжком.
Ракетчик-доброволец запускает ракету, урон от которой нужно поделить.
When a Volunteer Rocketeer spawns, it creates a large group soak circle that splits damage between everyone who soaks.
Leaves behind a lava pool. At least 5 people need to soak.
It will explode any Crawler Mines that it touches.
On Heroic and Mythic, players who soak get a 500% vulnerability to the next soak for 3min.
Make two soak groups and alternate the soaks.
Zee summons several moving mines which fixate players. If a player or rock jail wall touches the mine, it explodes, dealing damage and knocking back whoever touched it.
Upon exploding, soak circles appear, and missed soaks deal raid-wide damage.
The player triggering the Unstable Crawler Mine takes increased damage when exploding future Unstable Crawler Mines.
Zee fixates a player, aiming a line at them that goes off after a few seconds. A tank needs to help soak this for the player.
The player behind the tank will take less damage depending on how much damage the tank mitigates.
Tank takes less damage, player takes less damage. Use big damage mitigation cooldowns here.
The tank who soaks will get a massive bleed debuff for 3.8min. Tank swap.
The original target of Double Whammy Shot is marked with a big circle after the first hit.
The circle explodes after 6s, dealing another massive hit of damage. It will explode any Crawler Mines that it touches.
Zee targets a player with a large frontal cone of bullets, dealing huge damage into them and anyone else hit.
It will explode any Crawler Mines that it touches.
At 80% health, Electro Shockers become stunned and take 100% increased damage for 15s.
Переходная фаза начинается на 40% босса.
Граб'Зи применяет 3 серии одних и тех же способностей.
The boss charges toward a random player, dealing damage and stunning anyone along his path.
Destroys all rock walls and Crawler Mines in his path.
Граб'Зи получает +30% к скорости.
И Граб и Зи теперь активны. Босс использует все свои способности из Фазы 1.
Вы больше не можете обнулять энергию босса. Убейте босса до того, как он убьёт вас.