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Naguura stream icon
MDI caster, Hall of Fames raider, one of the best Boomkin in Europe and in the World, former Method Raider, Naguura is a hell of a player.
Her streams are entertaining, funny and chill. She is very active with her chat her community, trying to answer most of the questions there, and is one of the rising stars of the recent years on Twitch.
Naguura also has a Youtube channel where you will find tips on most aspects of the game, commentary of her gameplay in the high keys she did as Boomkin.
Tettles stream icon
Titanforge Podcast host, MDI, Race to World First caster, high keys pusher and active anti Boomkin nerf militant, Tettles is a fantastic player, host and entertainer.
On his Twitch channel, you'll find a very engaged streamer, actively answering his chat while offering many kind of high level content.
Checkout his Youtube channel, the Titanforge Podcast is already an institution in M+ push world and a gigantic source of information, and Tettles also frequently releases valuable piece of contents on top.
Onezy stream icon
Onezy is on fire for this Shadowlands first tier. Playing with Ellesmere, he pushes some of the biggest keys on retail right now.
DPS for Strawberry Puppy Kisses, he's also an accomplished MM Raider.
Tune it to his stream for keys in a jazzy atmosphere, and feel free to ask any question, Onezy is a helpful fellow!
Jdotb stream icon
Several time MDI Finalist, legendary healer of former Method NA, and current healer for Golden Guardian, Jdotb is probably the most emblematic restoration Druid out there.
His famous opened-shirt style on stream goes well with his chill and humble personality. You'll find some of the best healing gameplay and highest keys in the game featured on his channel.
He truly is one of the most knowledgeable Resto Druid arounds, and has been a major source of inspiration for many players over the years.
Nyruusqt stream icon
World #1 Resto Druid for BfA S4, world #3 in S3, and on the race to be #1 for Shadowlands S1, Nyruusqt is a devoted and impressive Restoration Druid.
You'll find some of the highest keys played this season on display here, with a friendly host answering questions between the runs.
Definitively a player to follow in the race for #1 Resto Druid rank in the upcoming seasons of Shadowlands.
Psybearslat stream icon
Frequently in the top 3 Feral players of each M+ Season, WoW Esports caster, host of Pieces Talkshow, and Partnered Twitch Streamer, Psybearslat is a proven veteran player and entertainer.
Very open and available on stream, he's always talking with chat about strat and M+. Psybearslat also frequently organizes free coaching sessions on stream for viewers submitting logs. A brilliant way to get high quality feedback!
His YouTube channel features great content around Feral Druid spec gameplay and tips.
Dorkibear stream icon
World #1 Guardian with every season since BfA S3, Dorkibear is a monument of tanking in the Guardian Druid community.
His stream is very chill, with Dorki offering both focused and relaxed gameplay on some very high level keys. Between the runs he takes the time to answer viewers' questions and participates in discussion.
His recently created YouTube channel offers some great pieces of content on his expertise: tanking and M+.